A Methodology of Ethics in Interactive Design?


In the last year or so we have been trying to get our heads around ethics and design, and all of its implications. Needless to say, this is a rather challenging topic, and we're still thinking...

Our thoughts and ideas are taking the shape of an article on ethics in interactive design that hopefully will be ready by the end of this year. However, we have managed to produce a couple of presentations of our ideas, and we've had the opportunity to share them with the people at IA Summit and Yggdrasil earlier this year.

At Yggdrasil 2008 in October we presented our thoughts on how an enhanced awareness of ethics can facilitate powerful design. In this presentation we introduce a framework for adressing ethics when designing interactive products and services and talk about our experiences dealing with ethics in projects.

View presentation in Norwegian.

The presentation from IASummit in Miami adresses ethics from a slightly different perspective. In this presentation our main focus is to identify how and to what extent ethics affects the design of interactive products and services. We use three different case studies to show that social ethics has a huge impact on design, and that we need to develop a methodology to adress ethics in our projects.